Can a trainee driving licence holder rent a car?

Can a trainee driving licence holder rent a car?
Trainee license system came into force in recent years has brought along a lot of question marks. Nowadays, the question did you intern and trainee license details can hire qualified people means we will answer comes to mind for you.

What's intern license?

Trainee driver's license, driver's license throughout the person's take a practice exam that determines whether two years is entitled to a full license can say. This is a test done in practice More specifically we can say. By not wanting to drive traffic 2 year course ta deemed passed this test. The prospective driver's license is written to pass the theoretical and practical exam courses under the old system and are entitled to use the vehicle. Traffic paperwork would be driving license after delivery. Now try the same test last person subjected to the first 2 years. Drinking and driving for 2 years, not exceeding 3 times the red light at the end of the year and 2 people who do like it will have a real violation of the rules and not an intern license. Trainee driver's license will be effective on January 1, 2016. But the driver who records the final exam will be subject to a trainee license.

Did you hire a car with trainee license?

We regret answer unfortunately trainee license holders can not rent vehicles in person. First 2 years license requirement for car rental As mentioned in detail in our rental directory page writing is placed. In addition, people under 25 can not rent the vehicle. So first driver's license after passing the course are exempt from the intern, you need to fill in your age of 25 as well. And the attitude of the other companies associated with it is hard and clear.

If you meet the requirements , you can rent a car immediately from our car rental page .
If you meet the requirements , you can rent a car immediately from our car rental page .
If you meet the requirements , you can rent a car immediately from our car rental page .
If you meet the requirements , you can rent a car immediately from our car rental page .
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